50*15*6m steel structure

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50*15*6m steel structure

Commodity details

All steel structure buildings components are designed and manufactured in the factory, cut, welded, and drilled strictly following the manufacturing drawings to ensure that the structure tolerance is less than 2mm. Compared with traditional concrete buildings, the installation of metal structure building is easier and faster to complete. After installation, the owner can save on construction and labor costs during installation.

Factors affecting the price of steel structure Building:

1. Raw material prices

Fluctuations in the price of steel have an important impact on the price of steel structure buildings. The increase in steel prices will directly cause the overall price of steel structure buildings to rise.

2. External load

External loads include wind load, snow load, dead load, and live load. Structural engineers calculate the steel structure based on the external load. If the load is large, the amount of steel used in the structure will increase.

3. The span of the steel frame

The larger span of the steel frame, the greater the amount of steel used per steel frame. More than 30 meters is considered a large width. If the steel frame has a large span and no center pillar, the amount of steel used will increase.

4. Structure

For steel structure buildings with cranes or mezzanine floors, to ensure the safe operation of cranes, steel columns will be increased, and columns of an equal cross-section will be adopted, which will increase the amount of steel used in the building.


The amount of steel used plays a vital role in steel structure buildings. Therefore, structural engineers must optimize the structure as much as possible during the design process while ensuring safety, reducing the amount of steel used, and saving costs.


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Contact us
BingFa Metal Product Co., Ltd.

Contact Person:Suki Mo, Phone:0086-15363686185, Email:sukimo@fsbingfa.com

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